Skinny Love.

by Beauty.Full.

I can’t quite place my finger on what makes this video so enchanting. Perhaps it is the contrast in periods, a modern song with an early film. Perhaps its the way the emotions seem to line perfectly with the song’s inflections. Either way, its magical.

 Bon Iver lyrics are quite interpretational. For the longest time I thought “Re:Stacks” meant something completely different. I had a professor once that told me art belongs to the world but the interpretation belongs to you.

Justin Vernon wrote this about the lyrics of “Skinny Love”: “Well, [“Skinny Love”] wasn’t about who you think it would be about. Part of the trouble with the old haunting love, is that it taunts your future loves, and can damn and/or ambush your relationships. That’s who this is about.”

I think the maker of this video understands the song better than many. Just watch the last few moments.